Can My Child Receive Social Security?

Children are our most precious resource, and it shows in the cost of raising them. In today’s world, many of our children need special assistance in becoming successful adults—and it tends to cost money. Money that you may or may not have. The federal government’s Social Security could be the answer to your prayers. And John Craynock can assist your child in getting the help they deserve.

The Social Security Administration aids adults and children with disabilities, but what exactly are these disabilities? We already know many of the physical disabilities: blindness, deafness, physical malformations, cerebral palsy, etc. But did you know that your child having a combination of emotional or intelligence disorders, lack of monetary income, or inability to perform at the rate of peers could qualify your child for SSI? You may be able to get money to help pay for the aid your child needs.

John Craynock will work with you to find what is best for your child. There must be a “marked and severe functional limitation” that your child suffers from, and the law can be quite demanding for proof of your child’s limitations. If your child is under 18, or has suffered since before their 18th birthday, it is possible that SSI will benefit you. As custodian, you will finally be able to find treatment and help for your loved one.

Contact John Craynock for an appointment today.